Self Manage Super Fund Formation Form

SMSF Detail

Please choose a name for this fund. A SMSF can have any name as each fund is linked with its trustees and possesses a unique ABN. If Smith is the last name of members, you may choose a name such as "Smith Family Superannuation Fund" or "Smith Retirement Fund".

A date may be a past or a present date. However, if you intend to have a corporate trustee, date of creation of SMSF cannot be prior to date of incorporation of the company - please note that a complying fund must apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN) within 60 days of its creation.

Please choose the state where the trust deed will be executed, the state chosen should be where you usually reside. Our instructions sheet (emailed to you after payment) will advise you, if any stamp duty is payable.

Please provide us an email that will be used for any SMSF correspondences.

What would be the address of SMSF?

Address only contain valid characters. Valid characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, Space and & ' ( ) - /

Do not enter Post Box address. Please Enter physical address.

Corporate Trustee
Individual Trustees

For comparison between individual trustees and corporate trustee Click Here

SMSF can have a maximum of six members. As per s17A of SISA each member of the fund has to be a director of the corporate trustee (the exceptions being a one member fund and some cases of mental incapacity etc), hence Corporate trustee will be registered with all the members of this SMSF as directors with one ordinary share of $1 each alloted to each director as a shareholder.


When a member dies, the balance of the superannuation money has to be paid to person(s) nominated by the member in a death benefit notice. Please provide the name (s) of these beneficiaries. Your "Will does not control your superannuation benefits. The beneficiaries named in this notice must be dependants and/or your legal personal representative. For further details click here.

If you do not enter any beneficiaries now, you can click the Proceed button at the bottom of the page and enter the names manually when you receive our package.


Please Select the venue for the initial meeting of SMSF trustees/members.

An initial meeting has to be convened to establish the trustees of the SMSF. All members & Trustees/Directors of trustee company must decide to adopt the draft constitution/trust deed, together with the name of the SMSF and elect to be a ATO regulated fund among other things.

Venue for Initial Meeting
*Venue of meeting:
Same as SMSF Address
Enter Manually

Address only contain valid characters. Valid characters are 0-9, A-Z, a-z, Space and & ' ( ) - /

Do not enter Post Box address. Please Enter physical address.

The date & time of meeting should be on or before the date of establishment of fund.

Time of meeting

Confirm Details
SMSF Information
What would be the name of Self Managed Super Fund SMSF?
Date of creation of this SMSF
Which State Jurisdiction laws apply to the Trust Deed?
What would be the address of SMSF?
Care Of:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
This SMSF will have?
Registered Address of Corporation
Care Of:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Is registered office of Corporate trustee and SMSF address are Same? No
Registered Address of Corporation
Care Of:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
How many members will the fund have?
Minutes Details
Who will be the secretary of this trustee company?
Venue of meeting
Care Of:
Street Address:
Postal Code:
Date of Meeting
Time of Meeting
Chairperson of this meeting
I / We the trustees of the above named fund elect that the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 is to apply in relation to the superannuation fund, and understand that the election is irrevocable. Self-managed superannuation funds are required to answer the following questions when electing to be a complying fund. These questions must be answered on behalf of all individual trustees, a body corporate trustee and responsible officers of the body corporate trustee. We have answered them as below - by ticking the check box above, you agree the answers are correct.

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